Comparison between Grammarly and Hemingway

August 05, 2021


Writing is an essential part of our daily lives, and it's essential to ensure the quality of the content we produce. Luckily, there are many writing tools available on the internet that can help us improve our writing skills. Two popular writing tools are Grammarly and Hemingway. In this blog post, we'll compare the features and functionality of both the tools to determine which one is the best for your writing needs.


Grammarly is an online writing and grammar checking tool that helps writers of all levels correct their grammar and spelling mistakes. The tool uses advanced natural language processing algorithms to analyze your text and provide suggestions to enhance your writing.


Grammarly offers the following features:

  • Grammar and spelling checker
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Advanced grammar checker
  • Writing suggestions based on writing goals
  • Suggestion for vocabulary enhancement


Grammarly offers three pricing plans: Free, Premium, and Business. The Free plan is the basic plan and offers basic grammar and spelling corrections. The Premium plan offers advanced grammar and spelling correction along with vocabulary enhancement and suggestions for writing style improvements. The Business plan offers advanced features for a team of writers.


Hemingway is an online writing tool that helps writers improve their writing skills by suggesting ways to simplify and improve their writing style.


Hemingway offers the following features:

  • Suggests ways to simplify your writing style
  • Highlights long, complex sentences and suggest ways to shorten and simplify them
  • Flags the use of passive voice in your writing


Hemingway offers a free online version, and a desktop version that costs a one-time fee of $19.99.


To determine which writing tool is better, we've compared some of the core features and pricing of Grammarly and Hemingway.

Grammar and spelling checker

Grammarly offers a more robust grammar and spelling checker than Hemingway. Grammarly not only corrects basic grammar and spelling mistakes, but it also offers suggestions for advanced grammar corrections and vocabulary enhancements.

Writing style suggestions

While both tools offer suggestions to enhance your writing style, Hemingway focuses more on simplifying your writing style, while Grammarly offers suggestions based on your writing goals.


Hemingway has a free online version, which makes it an excellent choice for those on a budget. Whereas Grammarly offers a free version, pricing plans for Grammarly's premium and business versions are more expensive than Hemingway's desktop version.


Both Grammarly and Hemingway are excellent writing tools that can help you improve your writing style. However, the tool you choose depends on your writing needs and budget.

If you're looking for a tool that provides a robust grammar and spelling checker along with advanced suggestions for vocabulary enhancement and writing style, Grammarly is the best tool for you. But if you're looking for a tool that helps you simplify and enhance your writing style, Hemingway is an excellent tool at no cost or a one-time fee for the desktop version.


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